Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let me Google that for You

I.E. the greatest website in the world.

Powerful Toilet

I sure hope I never take a bad enough shit to need one.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dumb Laws (that are not popular)

# According to a law in China, you must be intelligent to go to college. Guess the guy who wrote this did NOT go to college.

# It is illegal to hold more than two sessions of bingo per week, and those sessions may not exceed 5 hours each session in North Carolina.

# In Baltimore, It is illegal to take a lion to the movies.

# It is not legal for a tavern owner to serve beer unless a nice kettle of soup is also brewing. Good thing that is only the case in Nebraska.

# In Youngstown (Ohio), You may not run out of gas.

Get a Brain Morans! Go USA!

Heh... a dumb person for this dumb blog:

Black guy on 'Rob & Big'

Why the fuck did he always close one eye?

Chairty Balloon Release Fail

Not one, but two... and boy that last one was killer! :D


Is it not the most horrible thing ever to break a string (esp. when playing live)?

Well, check this... I broke a string - bought new strings - then broke the new strings while putting them on.


Fat People and Tiny Things

Who ever said they didn't work well together?

Dog Bone Paperclips

Why would they make such a thing? Is the original design not good enough?

Sony Releases another Stupid Piece of SHIT

Do you blink with your eyes closed?


You might have a problem. You might not. I'm no doctor.

Please do tell me if you blink with your eyes closed though, and congrats on reading another dumb post.

My new favorite song


How can you not love it?

First Post

Since this is "the Dumbest Blog on the Web" I figured it would only be right to start with something equally as dumb.